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a Japanese method to relax in five

Every day you are about
too many things: work, relationship, family,
, other people's opinions.

A certain amount of stress is normal and even
necessary, but excessive stress can your life
and health. You're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell
you next you can stress in no
time at all all you need to cope with
anxiety and headache is just one method
a unique ancient Japanese technique.

It five minutes and can be
done about anywhere to practice the
technique you should first understand
that each finger of your hand represents
a different feeling or attitude let's
see exactly what:

here's your hand: , index, , ring
and .

The thumb helps combat
emotions like and worry

The index can help you

The helps you control anger

The ring finger can help
you fight also
it's responsible for making you more

And the pinky helps to calm
anxiety and increases and
confidence this finger represents
self-esteem. Let's repeat it again: thumb
anxiety, index fear, middle anger, ring
sadness, pinky . Keep repeating
it till you remember it. Now let's see
how this unusual method works!

To harmonize the life energy in the body
grasp the finger with the opposite hand
all the fingers and thumb
around it now hold each finger for one
to two minutes you will know it's
working when you feel a
sensation. if you want to calm your mind
slightly press in the center of
with the thumb of the opposite hand and
hold it for at least one minute. it will
help you relieve stress get rid of
negative thoughts and get peace of mind
in the middle of .

Practice this technique every day to
stay calm and re-establish the balance
. Remember that there are
many other ways to cope with stress
exercise, yoga, , meeting friends
good music and others. However, this
Japanese technique is one of the best
methods to revive yourself quickly this
method absolutely works wonders for
everyone regardless of age and gender.

Have you already tried it? How did it
work for you?

Share your thoughts in the
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