Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
PART one. Complete the gaps:

Watch the first 0:40 seconds of the video

What's up dudes? Welcome to DJ BBQ's humble abode today
This is a dj BBQ classic when i'm doing a pork rub

I'd like to dress a bit more dangerous because we have got tassels; we've got dry

and that's an appetite for destruction, and we are going to destroy your taste with awesomeness.

-------DJ BBQ RUB pork PART 2----------

How many heaping tablespoons of brown sugar do we need for the recipe?

We need heaping tablespoons of brown sugar.

Our next ingredient is . And we need three tablespoons of it.
next salt

Right next up
How many tablespoons of cracked black pepper do we need?
We need of black pepper kernels

What’s the ingredient he needs next?

Next ingredient: about a teaspoon of .

next up: . and two tablespoons of .

then two heaping tablespoons of ground coriander

two tablespoons of .

and………one tablespoon of chilli powder.

All this mix goes on a pork shoulder.


ABODE: abode1
noun formal literary
noun: abode; plural noun: abodes

a place of residence; a house or home.
"my humble abode"

synonyms: home, house, place of residence/habitation, accommodation, habitat, base, seat; More
quarters, lodgings, rooms;
address, location, place, whereabouts;
informal pad, digs, diggings;
formal dwelling, dwelling place, residence, habitation
"you are most welcome to my humble abode"

pork RUB:

tassels: tassel1
plural noun: tassels

a tuft of loosely hanging threads or cords knotted at one end and attached for decoration to soft furnishings, clothing, or other items.
"damask curtains were held by silk cords with gold tassels"


taste bud
plural noun: taste buds

gustatory organ, tastebud

any of the clusters of bulbous nerve endings on the tongue and in the lining of the mouth which provide the sense of taste.