Watch the video and answer the questions
The village of Cold Spring is located:
- By the river
- Far from the river
- Across the river near Cold Spring
Which of these is not mentioned?
- Restaurants
- Art galleries
- Malls
- Boutique shops
How far from Cold Spring is Mohonk Mountain House?
- 14 miles
- 40 miles
- 4 miles
It is operated by a family
- True
- false
The artist Frederick Edwin Church is mentioned in the report because:
- He founded the Mohonk Mountain House
- Olana State Historic site used to be his family home.
The artist found inspiration and his artworks flourished because:
- The Eastern-inspired mansion on which he based his paintings
- Idyllic unobstructed views that inspired him.
The museum in Albany started in
- 1836
- 1866
- 1983
How many exhibitions does the museum offer each year?
- 12
- 10
- 30